Wednesday, November 11, 2009

CMT Red Carpet for CMA's

Carrie's red carpet dress is beautiful. Like a disco ball - yes that's a compliment.

OMG - Patricia Heaton's outfit is awful - she is on the worst dress list for sure! Patricia and Neil are presenting and I think it's stupid!!!! Drives me crazy that the networks plug there shows with actors - it is not their night! Maybe it's just that I am finding them LAME! I don't think they are very excited to be there - they were prolly told that their show (The Middle - which is a Malcolm in the Middle rip off) would be the one promoted so they had to go.

Zac Brown Band is there. All look great in nice suits (Zac's tie is a nice popping green), and I see that Zac is wearing his signature stocking cap. Gotta say I would rather see his head! lol Uh oh, Zac just said "toes in the water, ass in the sand." Where's the censor!

I see LeAnn Rimes. Love her dress, hate her makeup. I think it's LeAnn, gosh with that makeup it's hard to tell. No, it's her. heehee

Dale Jr.'s getting interviewed, but I was paying attention to LeAnn so no idea what he's saying. lol

Oh gosh, the Judds are going on the Worst Dressed List. Wy is kinda boring, her mom is wearing a long jacket and dress, but it's her black hair I really don't like.

Joe Nichols looks great.

Again they show Lady A and Hillary looks like she's slouching or something.