Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Snap Fitness - Week 5


That pretty much sums up how I feel right now.

For weeks I've been working my butt off (thanks to Trainer Keith), and then feeling great but oh so tired when I got home. I'm talking tired where I flop on the couch and then have to make myself get up to make a nice salad to eat. It was that great "I worked my buns off" type of feeling.


things were starting to pile up at home. Dishes, laundry, I think I have a coffee table - but it's hard to see it under all that stuff.

But I knew this was going to change. That I was going to get past the feeling that I had done enough for the night. That I had used up my quota of energy for the evening at the gym.


After my workout on Monday I felt GREAT! (Even though Keith made me do 300 situps that night! :) I felt ENERGIZED after my workout. I actually had the energy to go to the library and return my library books (on their due date - which is an amazing thing for me), and I went home and cleaned my closet (which really doesn't qualify as much of a chore since I look at that as fun :).

Tonights workout was the same. Keith pushed me to the limits and I feel full of energy again. (Did those stupid dishes - so the kitchen is nice and clean now.)

So week 5 has been a real turning point for me. I've been feeling good about the workouts, and now I'm really starting to feel wonderful!

One thing Keith has done is start to switch up the workouts. Now sometimes we do cario first and resistance training last. Doing it that way my muscles are more tired and work harder. And boy I felt that tonight! LOL

So now I'm even more motivated to workout. The energy I've been waiting for has finally arrived.

Keep checking back for more updates. And watch for a flip video coming to Facebook about my workouts.