Tuesday, February 9, 2010


PETA is once again sticking it's beak into places it shouldn't. This time around it's The Zac Brown Band's Eat and Greets. See, ZBB offers up a nice BBQ for their fans instead of the traditional Meet and Greet (which, as many of you know, ironically, can be like cattle throu a shoot in some cases). Their pre-show Eat and Greets serve up a nice plate of beef and pork and all the fixins for the fans.

Well, PETA sent them a letter asking that they change the menu to Vegan friendly (and completely dump the meat!)

PETA writes "extend your love of freedom to animals by agreeing to partner with us on a veggie 'eat and greet' for your fans. In your song 'Chicken Fried,' you praise the simple pleasures of life-a cool drink, a home filled with love, enjoying the sunshine-all pleasures that are denied to the millions of cows, pigs, chickens, and other animals raised for food on factory farms every year. It's easier than ever to enjoy delicious, cruelty-free meals."

PETA is offering to send the Zac Brown Band "a basket of delicious, protein-rich faux meats" to use instead.

Here's the full letter from TheBoot.com.

Zac Brown Band has tweeted a response. It is BRILLIANT! (I knew I loved these guys!)
"Dear PETA -- Plants are living creatures too ... Bacon had a mother, but so did Pickle. It takes life to support life -- welcome to the planet."

I don't know about you, but I really want a T-shirt that says "Bacon had a mother, but so did Pickle."