Thursday, January 29, 2009


Here are my thoughts on that wild ride last night. Gosh I couldn't believe when it was over! I want more! Oh, to just be able to sit and watch them back to back!

Best reveal is a toss up between Widmore being an Other or Locke sending Richard to him at birth. I bet Locke was suppose to pick the compass then way back.

Oh Des naming his son Charlie! I completely forgot that Penny’s dad’s name is also Charles. My mind went right to Charlie Pace ::sings:: “You All Everybody.” Of course it had to be that Charlie – Charlie who Des saved over and over so that Charlie could sacrifice himself to save Desmond and everyone by telling them “Not Penny’s Boat” in Through The Looking Glass. I still miss Charlie and hope we can somehow get him back for an epi or two.

I think all the people that don’t belong on the island are slowly getting killed off.The cute blondie with the gun knows Daniel! I loved the camera angle of behind the gun view of Miles, Dan and Charlotte. They look like they belong to the band that tried to chop of Juliette’s hand. Yep, they do.

Cute blondie’s name is Ellie. Mrs. Hawking’s first name is Eloise (which was also the name of the rat that ran the maze that Des found put away in Oxford – the rat and maze that Daniel was running in the epi The Constant.) Could she be a young Mrs. Hawkings? Could she be Daniels mum?

Des is sooo hot! YUMMY!

Why didn’t Dan want to tell Richard his name? Why did he give Richard a funny look when he said his name? I can’t remember - does Richard Alpert stand for something else? Is it an anagram? Is he someone like Locke/Bentham?

I guess the flashes aren’t happening every 108 minutes – but great thought!

So the flaming arrows were prolly The Others firing on who they thought were soldiers.

Sidenote – I can’t wait to see Coraline. I read the book and it was great!!!

LOL the bomb is named Jughead.

Widmore has a scale model of a ship in his office. Could it be a model of The Black Rock which he seems obsessed with?

Widmore wants to know if Penny is safe ‘cuz of Ben’s threat.

Widmore says that Dan’s mom won’t want to see Des. Why wouldn’t Dan’s mom want to see Des? If she is Mrs. Hawking then why wouldn’t she want to see him when he belongs on the island?

So Widmore is an original Other? Widmore told Ben the island was his. It was his before Ben. He must have had to move the island like Ben and couldn’t go back and has been trying to get back ever since just like Ben. So of course he would think the island was his over Ben’s – he was there first. Now the question is was he born there? ‘cuz we know that Ben wasn’t. If Widmore was then he definitely has a bigger claim to the island than Ben.Was Penny born on the island?

Love that Pen can see thru Des’s lying.