Sunday, April 3, 2011

ACM - Blog #1

Starts with Blake singing "Who Are You When I'm Not Lookin'" to a room filled with candle light and roses and what we first think is Miranda - but is really Reba. Kinda funny, though when they panned to Miranda I'm not sure she thought so.

First performance features Brad Paisley and Alabama performing his new song "Old Alabama." Which is number 18 on the charts just 3 weeks after its release.

Love that Brad is perfomring in ripped jeans and an old Alabam t-shirt.

Well here's one of the many non-country presenters - Celine Dion. (thumbs down) She intro's our hosts Blake & Reba. Not a bad opening.

Now Toby Keith performs "Somewhere Else."

heehee - Brad Garrett takes Reba and Blake down to hear Sugarland perform.