She's keeping the date a secret, but she is letting us know a few details. Recently she gave a bit of a scoop to CMT Radio Live.
Carrie does consider herself "a very traditional person" but she is breaking with tradition somewhat.
What's different? No wedding cake - instead they are going with cupcakes! IveyCake in Franklin, TN is mak
ing them. There is a bit of a connection as her bassist's wife runs the bakery and Carrie says she makes "the most amazing cupcakes in the universe." (I'd love to do a test taste to verify that :) (they look delish - but I confess I thought they would look fancier!)

Her rat terrior Ace will be part of the wedding! Yes, Carrie is making Ace her Ring B
earer. Well, Ace is her baby. She says, "If I was getting married and I had a child, or course my child would be in the wedding. Ace is such a big part of my life."

What about the dress? It's still "in the works" and is "really pretty" and "very me. It's just girly and pretty, and it's simple and glamorous at the same time." Cannot wait to see it.
Carrie will also have special false eyelashes made for her wedding day that we will all be able to buy after she marries.