Friday, April 30, 2010

The Mindy McCready Sex Tape is Coming Out

"Baseball Mistress" is going to be out May 4th. It seems Vivid Entertainment says Mindy signed away her rights to the tape (!), transferring it to a third party. Mindy's lawyer, Adam Dread, says she "has no recollection of signing it." Plus he says at the time she "was in no mental capacity to enter into a legal contract." It seems the day after she made the binding agreement Mindy was admitted to the hospital, where she spent the next eleven days "in and out of a comatose state because of alcohol and previous injuries from being beaten."

So are they going to try and block the release? No! But Mr.Dread does say he might pursue a case against the third party that sold the tape to Vivid.

Wow! Just WOW!