Monday, April 27, 2009

Holy Meltdowns Batman!

Did you guys see Celebrity Apprentice last night? I know last season Piers and Omarrosa got into it (she being the nastiest vile piece of ...OK, if you can't say anything nice...) but WOWza! Melissa and Joan Rivers were really dropping the swear bombs at Brandi and Annie last night. And also at the production crew. Melissa was fired and wasn't going to do any exit interviews. I missed most of the show, so don't know just how much of what was being said was true, but to act like a 4 year old in that situation was some pretty good TV. I am searching the net for some video but can't find any right now. If I do I'll post it! Of course, mommy Joan also walked off the show!

Clint Black is still in it, and he won $20,000 for his charity - the International Rett Syndrome Foundation. Sounds like Clint once again didn't utilize his team as fully as they would have liked. Jesse James was really unhappy with Clint. I've really liked Jesse, but last night he seemed like a different person. (and just last week I realized that he is married to Sandra Bullock! ::slaps forehead:: She, of course, the big star that Piers was alluding to when it came to fundraising) Joan, who said she hated Clint a few weeks ago, seems to adore him now, and said it was "all Clint" regarding their win!

This week's the teams had to create a four-page print ad for Right Guard deodorant featuring New York Knicks player David Lee. Since KOTU won their ad will be featured in "Sports Illustrated" and

Overall - I have once again, been highly entertained by The Celebrity Apprentice. (Dang - it is really hard to admit that! LOL)