Thursday, May 21, 2009


Yay!! Kris Allen was the big winner on American Idol. Lots of hate in the Blog-verse about it, but GET OVER IT! They were both terrific, but Kris won! And musta been a big margain since Ryan didn't mention that it was close! HA!

Here's the big moment.

OK - I have a few of the great performances for you.

Like Kris and Keith on "Kiss a Girl"

How about Adam and Kris with Queen? FANTASTIC!

Then there was Adam with KISS!! OMG - FABULOUS! I am an original KISS Army member and loved it! Starting with his version of "Beth" (*sigh* My fav Peter Chriss/KISS song).

Another great moment was Allison and Cyndi Lauper.

A great funny moment was Kara upstaging "Bikini" Girl.