Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Miranda Lambert Jewelry for Mutt Nation

Isn't this amazing? And the back looks cool too. This is the pendant Miranda designed to raise money for shelter animals. She teamed up with Pennyroyal Silver to add to their charity Signature collection.

Miranda says the design was inspired by her pooches Delialah, Delta, and Cher.

She was excited to create the design saying, "They created a beautiful piece of jewelry to help raise funds for my passion of finding loving homes for abandoned and abused animals across the country."

Money raised goes to her Mutt Nation Foundation.

It is a limited edition pendant, and is only available until June 21st.

Order them at

Each pendant is $75. I gotta see if I can swing one - it's close to Radiothon season, but I just love this pendant, and it goes to such a great cause!