Monday, September 14, 2009

The CLASSLESS Bleepity Bleep

Well, I hope his career now goes down in flames. Are they going to learn to never invite him to a live award show again? Prolly not. They like the publicity I'm sure.

I am not writing or speaking this artists name again - as that is exactly what this person wants.

How totally classless to hijack a young woman's dream moment (well, at least one of them)! Taylor Swift was so adorable accepting her first Moonman statue at the VMA's for her fab video "You Belong With Me" and then the Bleepity Bleep comes on to announce that it is Beyonce who has "one of the best video's of all time."

Really? Really? Of all time? I like "Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It)" and find the dancing somewhat mesmerizing, but of all time? I don't think so! Not even enough to justify the rude interruption.

At least they had the sense to boot his sorry A...butt outta there.

And then Bleepity Bleep has the gall to basically compare it to his winning and giving his award to Outkast. Uh, NO! If it was similar then someone woulda interrupted your acceptance speech and said that someone else's video was better. He didn't even give her the chance to do that if she would have wanted to!!

For me, too little, too late with your apology Bleepity Bleep. But I'm sure Taylor is much more gracious than I am and will forgive him.

Here's Taylor's video performance from the VMA's last night - the new video for "You Belong With Me."

Here's the video that Bleepity Bleep indirectly dished!

I wanted to add Beyonce's "All the Single Ladies" video's but the embedding code has been "disabled by request" on You Tube, so you'll just have to go to You Tube to check it out yourself.

I like the video and the song, I just don't see how 3 lovely ladies dancing around is "one of the best videos of all time."