Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Trace Adkins New Comic Venture

I'm going to apologize right off for the horrible pun that I just made with the title of this post. ;)

Trace Adkins a one big dude and now not only will his image be used in a comic book, but so will his philosophical outlook. Combine them, and a new comic book hero is born ("Here I Come to Save the Day!" - sorry, Mighty Mouse theme is just floating around in my head. lol)

Trace will be Luke McBain in an upcoming four-book set. Writer David Tischman says he based the character on Adkins' "entertainment persona," noting, quote, "It breathes a real life personality into the fictional character which is something we wanted."

Here's Luke McBain's back story. He's an ex-convict who spent 14 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit.

We get to follow his experiences after he returns to his rural Louisiana hometown, to find it's very changed from when he left, and now it operates under corruption and greed. Of course, Lukeis the only person willing to take a stand against those in charge.

You can get your hot little hands on the first issue of "Luke McBain" just in time for Christmas. It comes out November 12th.