Monday, June 23, 2008

Nashville Star

They are shaking things up this week. Starts up with Billy Ray Cyrus (BRC) calling out Tommy, and Gabe.

One is one of the top vote getters, one is in the bottom 2.

Tommy….one of the bottom 2!

Gabe is one of the top vote getters. John Rich said it’s Gabe and Melissa who are the original standouts.

Why are the final 10 singing Madonna? My fav Madonna tune (Like a Prayer), but still…

Melissa starts…they harmonize well together. Laura and Sophie had a weak beginning, but pulled it together…oh, here comes a choir. Gabe kept pulling the mic away from his mouth. Ashlee’s voice seems too weak, I like Coffey. Justin, not to bad, Pearl Heart excellent, I like Shawn Mayer too. Weakest of the group song was Laura and Sophie. Wow I loved the ending. The entire song was great!

Katie Cook joined the cast last week. She takes us to commercial break, and interviews the contestants as they head off the stage after their performance and judging.

Ah, it’s Pop Goes Country Night – which is why Madonna.

The show starts with a recap of John Rich giving them the smackdown after last week’s show. “I didn’t like it at all!”

John Rich (JR) is taking the girls to his bar, The Spot.

Jeffrey Steele (JS) is taking the duo and group to his office.

Jewel (J) has to “work” so she is taking the boys to The Tonight Show. I know it’s her job, so technically it’s work, but come on! It’s work the way my air shift is work. I am not saying a lot doesn’t go into my airshift, or what she does, just that work seems like too harsh a word for me or her. (please note that I was very specific – I said my airshift – I think the rest of my job almost, almost could be called work) LOL

Gabe Garcia
“Living La Vida Loca” – Ricky Martin
Jewel tells him he needs to let the lyrics sink in. I liked him practicing in front of the mirror. Nice to show that it doesn’t just happen, these guys practice.
I would have liked it a little faster. I guess I agree with the judges that he needs to relax more. I am liking him more and more every week.
JS – thought he needs to relax more, but said he blew his mind.
JR – Thought he pulled it off, and turned the Texas on.
J – Liked the backup dancers.

The dramatic pauses on this show are a bit ridiculous!

Pearl Heart
“Love Shack” – B52’s
Need to support the lead singer sister according to Jeffrey. He says they’re gone if they don’t. They do want to support her. She seems intimidated by one of the first lines “Knock harder.”
She does the hard line!! The judges are digging her. I don’t thing they pulled off what they were suppose to. Good, but not great for me, and I still can’t tell them apart. I really need to pay attention to that.
JR – thought it was great. Liked there look (said they took it to the next level). He said they looked at each other too much.
J – need to step out as a front woman, she is adorable. Said it was a bit of a cheat, that they were all compressed together, and soon she would have to step out.
JS – agreed with John. Told her to step out and make that triangle a heart (Pearl Heart). I loved that!

Alyson Gilbert
“I Think We’re Alone Now” – Tiffany (but also, the original Tommy James and the Shondells!)
I don’t think JR liked her song choice. Let’s see what she does.
When she came out she seemed nervous about going down the steps. Her heels are killer high. Well she had the crazy eyes controlled until the very end. I didn’t like what she did. Pitchy.
J – asked if she was uncomfy in her shoes. Alyson said the stairs were a bit scary, but otherwise not really. (they were gorgeous shoes, Gold, 5 inch spikes it looked like) Said she was pitchy.
JS – Called her Dr. Jeckle/Alyson Hyde. “Too much pop in my country this week.” He liked her first week, really liked last week, but not so much this week.
JR – “First of all, what are you doing?...Took the song to a vanilla mediocre spot.” HA! I knew he hated that song! He wanted it to rock more.

I really like the judges. They are open and honest with the contestants. They really don’t seem to be making fun. They ask real questions, and give real advice. I hope Idol is paying attention. These judges are actually treating the contestants with (gasp) respect!

Katie Cook asks Coffey (remember, it’s Kaw’ – Fay) who he honestly thinks is the last one in the bottom two. Thank God he had the sense not to answer that dumb question.

Ashlee Hewitt
“You Drive Me Crazy” – Brittney Spears
JR wants her to rock hard and to be sexy (which explains her really cute belly button exposing top)
I really like what she did, but it was a bit of a weak start.
J – sees much of herself in Ashlee. Thought she did a great job. Told her she liked her in blue jeans with messy hair.
JS – asked if she felt it was out of her element. Said this was a real life experience and that she had the goods, and needed to let it show, and not be afraid.
JR – said she was consistently better each week.

BRC – “So good it made me want to shave my head.” Delivered deadpan, reading the monitor. Katie Cook is so much better at reading that promter. At first I wondered what she was doing there, but now it’s obvious. No way could BRC pull off the interview part. She is into it, paying attention, and asks good questions (well, it is her job), and he is just too wooden. Nice guy, and good singer, that BRC, but he needs work on this hosting thing.

Yay Coffey!!!
“Umbrella” – Rhianna
They have to play us a snippit of the real song ‘cuz we might not know it. LOL – it’s funny ‘cuz it’s true. (I’ve heard of it, but never actually heard it)
Love it!! He is getting into it, and singing to his daughter. I like this guy.
JS – looks so serious. This is the real Coffey? (the crowd is going crazy, absolutely crazy!) He isn’t on the train yet. Well, from the crowd, he’s the only one.
JR – says he just saw the guy from the audition that he liked. Called it country soul, and said that John Anderson was there and prolly liked it (he gave it a thumbs up).
J – watch the gimmicks. JR wanted to know what gimmicks. She said he talked at the end, and beatboxed too much. Told him to pick his moments.
Hmmm, he said he was doing it to bridge the generation gap, but he understood what Jewel was saying. Interesting.

BRC did not, DID NOT, just do a Ryan Seacrest did he? OMG he did! Said we would find out who was in the bottom two…dramatic,but really stupid…pause…after the commercial break. So this show is better than Idol except for that stupidity! Please, stop it! It could be excellent, but this will prevent it from being all that it could be.

Laura and Sophie
“P.Y.T. – Pretty Young Thing” - Michael Jacksons (gosh he used to be soooo good)
I think JS really came up with the idea of how to change the song, not them.
They are stressing their relationship. Something that prolly hasn’t happened to them yet.
They are trying so hard to not sing to each other, they aren’t connecting. I don’t like their dresses. Sure one is cute, but the two just look ridiculous. I just don’t see country radio playing these two. I didn’t like what they did to the song.
JR – “they should be standing on a birthday cake.” Liked it. Musically, doesn’t like them singing the same note together, but liked when they alternated lyrics.
J – liked when they sang separately. They are going from cutesy novelty to more serious. Said they looked like Madonna Cupcakes.
JS – “I’m so proud of you. That was fabulous.” Said they need to come out a little bit more. (they were cute ‘cuz they gushed about how they would have “sucked” if Jeffrey hadn’t been so great.)
BRC makes a Michael Jackson joke, and it looked like it came off the top of his head. Not sure if I liked that better than the lame-O Britney joke.

The exchange with Katie Cook was funny.
Jewel said you looked like Madonna Cupcakes. “I like cupcuakes so I think that’s good.”
Are you going to wear those dresses again? “I hope so.” OK, so they like them. (LOL – Katie doesn’t?)

They are so young and cute! But they need a lot of work, so far, they are just behind Pearl Heart on my least fav list tonight. (but Justin hasn’t gone yet – ouch I know!)

I missed the name of the group that performed, but they were pretty good. All girls, and all in black. Hot for the boys.

Katie Cook asks if Melissa is nervous (of course she is…she was bottom 2 last week).

Shawn Mayer is so excited.
“Bye Bye Bye” – THE BSB! Back Street Boys.
John Rich is blown away by her choice. She takes a lot of risks. She’s ballsy like him.
I liked what she did to it.
J – “Wow. Wow.” Told her she went outside of her comfort zone with the dancing. (she did the BSB’s moves) Didn’t take away from it being country. You’re a girl that strikes me as sad, but you smiled tonight.
JS – didn’t think it was country enough for him. Thinks she has a lot inside of her that needs to come out. Thinks it’s bye bye bye for her.
JR – The most country thing about her is that she isn’t scared of anything. Said she had to get better.
J – wants America to keep her around for the songwriters night.

Shawn is so happy with the applause. She is the awe shucks girl of this show.
She told Katie that once her and John admitted they wanted to “knock each other out” all became well. WTH does that mean?

Melissa Lawson
“True Colors” – Cyndi Lauper
She has the voice for this song. Wants to make this country.
Week beginning, but she picked it up.
J- Thinks she’s a great country singer.
JS – Wants to know what happened to her. (this one likes to be funny that way) Thought her performance was a 10. (she’s lost 67 pounds)
JR – Likes to work with artists. She just showed America “you’re a true artist.”
Katie – thinks she has a good shot at winning.

After the break it’s Justin or Tommy going home. It better be Justin. Tommy wasn’t that bad last week.

Justin Gaston
“Girls Just Want to Have Fun” – Cyndi Lauper
Jewel is blatant that he needs to work on his voice. He needs to project and sing out.
His best yet. He lost it on the high note. He really made it country, but it’s almost boring. There is no real zip for me. But it was kind of honky tonky for me. IDK I guess I kinda liked it. LOL
JR – Best so far, and he sounded country. Saw improvement.
JS – Thought he was great, ate his words, literally. He had made a list of mean things to say ‘cuz he wasn’t buying his act.
J – Most improved.

I feel bad for Tommy ‘cuz they all said they hope it’s not too late. That would mean Tommy would have to go home.

Tommy Stanley
“Maniac” – Michael Sembello – the Flashback theme! I am laughing so hard I am snorting!!!
It’s good, but it doesn’t feel country too me. And wow, I think he can sing.
JS – love that last note (yeah). Didn’t get my country bone going (Jewel thought it sounded like something JR would say) Wants to see him play the guitar. He’s at broadway show.
JR – Can’t make a country record singing like that.
J – Justin “out –countried” you tonight.

Jewel said flat out that Justin was the most improved and that shocked everyone. I love the plain talk in this show. Not said to hurt, but just matter of fact.

Now I feel bad that I want Justin to go home.

OMFG!!!! (that’s frickin’!) I knew they would announce the winner after the break, but to have BRC start to announce the winner, do the dumb, dumb, (you must stop it now or there will be dire consequences) DUMB dramatic pause…then say “right after the commercial break!” This is not BRC’s fault, he is just doing what he is suppose to, but I want to ring his neck.

Doesn’t BRC still have a mullet? It’s short in the front and long in the back, just not feathered back.

So much time to kill, such long pauses (I typed this while waiting to find out who got the boot).

It was Justin. Just who we thought. I feel bad ‘cuz he was much improved.
BRC said he was going to be a big movie star “Tom Cruise look out.” He does look a bit like Tom.

Jewel gave him some nice parting words.
John Rich said he thought he had greatness in him, just had to figure it out. This wasn’t his gig.
JS – “I got nothing to say, I ate all my words.”

Tonight my favs were Ashlee Hewitt and Justin Gaston (I know!).

So I guess I want Laura and Sophie to go. They and Alyson were weak tonight, but I think they need more work.

Who do you want to see go home? Who was your favorite tonight? Was it Justin, who then went home?

Am I just crazy? Let me know.