Monday, June 6, 2011


Fortunately everyone was safe. The only casualty was the neighbor who was bitten by their dog when rescued. The poor doggie was scared so hopefully all will be forgiven. The neighbor is doing well. Brianna, one of Trace's daughters, told reporters for local TV station WTVF, "At first we were in the living room watching a movie and then the washer and dryer exploded in the garage."

Trace was flying to Alaska when this happened - he immediately flew back home. Wife Rhonda was not at home - a nanny was with the three youngest when the event occurred.

The fire spread quickly to the attic and from there they had a hard time containing it. Many items were stored in the basement, but due to water most everything was destroyed.

Rhonda puts it in perspective for us. She says "stuff is stuff," and while she is "sick" over the loss of wedding pix and negatives she did add, "practice fire safety and back up all your pictures."

I hope everyone takes the time to talk about how important fire safety is after hearing about this. Do you have a plan? Where will you all meet if this happens to you?