Tuesday, May 27, 2008


It’s official!

Summer is here.

The true signal was not the partying of the Memorial Day weekend (with traditional rounds of storms), but the Feasting of the Mosquitoes.

I am an itchy mess!

The top inside arch of both feet, my right shin, both knees, one of my stomach (which means the little bugger had to go thru my denim shorts!), and the back of my hands are on fire!! ARG!!! IT ITCHES!!!

But I must not touch. I must ignore the desire to alternatively scrape my big toes or heals against the inside arch of the opposing foot. And then when I do break down…ooohh the ecstasy of relief.

Those whining monsters didn’t even care that I had put the Bug dope on!!!

Summer 2008 is going to be The Year of the Big Scratch if this keeps up.

I spent the weekend visiting my family I haven’t seen in years. Sara’s wedding a few years ago I believe. And now she has a gorgeous 9 month old boy. My afternoon consisted of lounging in a lawn chair listening to stories of shotguns, bobcats, and merry mischief, and playing games. Time traveled at a lovely pace as the kids climbed trees and played football, and the adults tossed a few back.

The feast began with hellos and hugs, and moved directly to the buffet. Dips, chips and veggies, shrimp and pizza wontons, spinach dip and bread. It was hard to be sensible and only sample. It helped to take the small plate. The thing that really seemed to work was to Not Stand Next to the Buffet. lol

We played that game with the Velcro ball and paddle. You catch the ball every time unless the throw is wild, which allows for laughter instead of a grumbling chase. The new paddles created a crisp ripping sound after every toss. (Jerry Seinfeld’s dad Morty would have gone into a mad frenzy.)

Mother Nature is known for her fickle nature on Memorial Day and she didn’t fail this year. We were lucky. Two storms blew thru fast dropping lots of rain and some dime size hail. From the robotic warnings on the radio the storms seemed to split around us.

Night came and we lit a fire. Not a bonfire ~ we were expressly forbidden to light the deadfall, but a roaring blaze that jumped, danced and entranced. One little 2nd cousin (absolutely lovely and polite at 3) wanted ‘fluffermallers’ and when her gram went off to find them I asked her “Burned or toasted brown?” “White” was her quiet response! LOL She also insisted on placing hers on the toasting sticks, so they would taste just right. The stick was bigger than she so she had to arch back to put them on and while taking bites. It was one of the loveliest things I have ever seen in my life. A true blessing and gift.

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