- Six foot tall
- Muscles, tones and athletic
- Brown eyes
- Short, dark hair
- Smart dress sense (Are we looking for Robert Downy? 'Cuz this list sounds like him so far.)
- Stylish
- A beer drinker
- A non-smoker
- Wears smart jeans, shirt and v-neck jumper (A v-neck jumper - really?)
- Gets ready in 17 minutes (17 huh?)
- Earns around $77,000 a year (uh-huh)
- Wants a family
- Loves shopping
- Eats meat (Guess there weren't many vegetarians taking this survey.)
- Watches soaps (Oh, right)
- Clean-shaven
- Smooth-chested
- Enjoys watching football (Would a smooth-chested man though? ;)
- Drives an Audi (Do you have to make more than $77,000 to afford a nice Audi?)
- Well-educated
- Earns more than his partner (Really? Really? Women really said this? I am not buying it!)
- Jokes around and has a laugh
- Sensitive when you are upset
- Tells you he loves you only when he means it (When else would he say it? Oh right... ;)
- Admits it when he looks at other women (Right. This is like asking him if you look fat in those jeans - you say you really want to know, but you don't.)
- Has a driver's license
- Can swim
- Can ride a bike
- Can change a tire
- Calls his mother regularly (I bet the women on that show Monster-In-Law would disagree with this one.)
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
What's he like? Austin Reed conducted a poll to find out what we women want in a man. The 30 must-have qualities include 86% of us wanting a sensitive man who calls his mom on a regular basis and cries during movies! Here's the list for you. And there are a few doozies on here! You'll find my comments in parenthesis.