If you were listening to our witty banter last night after the 4pm news you heard Craig tell us that Carrie Underwood will be on one of my Top 3 sitcoms. How I Met Your Mother. Carrie will play a love interest for Ted (I'm sure she won't be the mom - but wouldn't it be funny...). She'll play Tiffany - a pharmaceutical sales rep. This is Carrie's acting debut. Hey if Britney Spears could do it - Carrie can! The epi will air sometime in March - watch the DVR alert for the exact date.
And if you're somehow not watching one of the most awesome of awesome shows that is legen...wait for it...dary, start now!!! How I Met Your Mother is hilarious!!
BTW - Here are my Top 3 sitcoms
1. The Office
2. The Big Bang Theory
3. How I Met Your Mother