Friday, October 23, 2009

Cracker Barrel and Alan Jackson

If you've ever ate or stopped at a Cracker Barrel you know they love the Country Artists.

Starting November 2nd when you stop at one you will find The Alan Jackson Collection. It's a line of more than 40 things like mens and womenswear, food items (prolly not bologna sammys thou), and collectibles. You'll also find the CD "Songs of Love and Heartache" which features unreleased tracks "That's What I'd Be Like Without You" and "Nothing Sure Looked Good On You" (Whoa! ::fans self::), and ten hits.

Regarding this new venture Alan said, "I was really flattered when they came to me with the idea of working together to create a collection for their country store, and I've been very impressed with the variety and quality of the items that we have put together."