My girlfriend Rosie sent me this from MSN today and I had to share! I am so excited for the 100th episode tonight - gonna be great! Sides will be picked - and soon we'll find out about The Incident!
"On April 29, "Lost" celebrates its 100th episode. Sure, there were a few stinkers and clip shows needed to get to that milestone. There was some frustration about secrets kept too long, characters left undeveloped (or overexposed) and plot points forgotten. But all in all, the show's offered one heck of a ride for those patient enough with it. In honor of the 100th episode, we thought we would take a look at 100 of the show's best moments. In no particular order, they are:Related:"
"Lost" Turns 100
1. The pilot gets eaten by the Smoke Monster (aka Old Smokey, the Monster, Lostzilla).
2. 4 8 15 16 23 42
3. Locke pulls out his creepy knife collection.
4. Jack's dead daddy shows up on the island ... for the first time.
5. Jin gets handcuffed to the plane.
6. "You all ... everybody!" (RIP, Charlie.)
7. Locke becomes Charlie's drug counselor.
8. Locke gets Boone juiced on some kind of weird island plant (so much for just saying no).
9. Danielle captures Sayid.
10. Sawyer shoots a polar bear. And he shoots the marshal.
11. All that mysterious jungle whispering.
12. "There were no survivors of Oceanic 815."

13. The light goes on in the first hatch!
14. Rose and Bernard meet and redefine cute.
15. Kate plans a bank heist ... for a toy airplane.
16. "Tricia Tanaka is dead!"
17. Locke blows up the first hatch.
18. And the submarine!
19. Sawyer's long con gets the better of him.

20. Desmond in the Royal Scots Regiment. Yummy!
21. Same goes for Goth Claire.
22. The Pearl turns out to be Dharma's version of the NSA.
23. Ana-Lucia gets Jack's daddy drunk. Or was it the other way around?
24. We learn that Jack and Claire are half-siblings.
25. "We're the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815."
26. Hurley beats Sawyer at table tennis and makes him abandon nicknames.
27. Mr. Eko doesn't speak for 40 days. (RIP, Mr. Eko.)
28. Then we find out he was a hardcore drug smuggler.
29. Arzt gets blown up by dynamite (and later, when Hurley goes, "You have some ... Arzt ... on you.")
30. Locke plays one crazy game of chess.
31. Desmond turns the sky purple (and there were people running everywhere).
32. Oceanic 815 falls out of the sky and totally ruins book club.
33. The first 20 minutes of the pilot. It had us from "hello."
34. Hurley and the boys get the Dharmamobile up and running again, on the road to Shambala.
35. Locke wakes up and one of his kidneys is gone!
36. Locke's daddy throws him out of a window.
37. Sawyer jumps out of the helicopter.
38. The Island goes bloop! / Ben wakes up with a hell of a hangover in the Sahara Desert .
39. Kate and Sawyer get it on in Otherville, thrilling Skate fans and annoying Jate fans.
40. We meet Roger, Workman.
41. We meet Jacob ... kinda.
42. Desmond drinks Widmore's whiskey when Charlie and Hurley are trying to get him to confess his ability to see into the future.
43. Juliet's ex-husband gets hit by a bus!
44. Kate blows her daddy up.
45. "Mr. Friendly" congratulates Sawyer on his fish biscuit and notes that the bears figured the puzzle out faster.
46. Ben shoots Locke and leaves him for "dead."
47. Ben saves then strangles Locke and leaves him for "dead."
48. Hurley's badass car chase!
49. Charlie's ghost is the supercool version of Charlie.
50. Desmond makes a long, long distance call to Penny.
51. Miles is revealed to be Dr. Chang's son. Yeah, we saw it coming but it was still cool.
52. Charlie lists his five favorite things.
53. Locke flashes Walt his orange-peel smile.
54. Jack learns that the Red Sox really won the World Series.
55. Ben cons Sawyer into thinking that his heart will explode if he gets too excited.
56. Jin, Sawyer and Michael get captured by the "Tailies."
57. Desmond becomes unstuck in time (and uses Penny as his constant).
58. Mr. Eko makes Lostzilla retreat.
59. "We were brought here for a purpose, for a reason, all of us."
60. Paulo and Nikki are buried alive, buried alive, buried alive.
61. "Waaaaaaaaaalt!"
62. Sawyer and Juliet are getting it on in Dharmaville. All right!
63. We meet Hurley's imaginary friend Dave.
64. Take your pick of the Dharma Initiative orientation videos. They were all awesome.
65. Mikhail takes out a grenade and smiles before pulling the pin / "Not Penny's boat."
66. Ethan strings up Charlie and leaves him for dead.
67. "Light 'em up!" / "This is not your island. This is our island and the only reason that you're living on it is because we let you live on it."
68. "Dude, you look like you steamrolled Harry Potter."
69. The birth of ol' Turniphead, Aaron.

70. Ben turns Sayid into his assassin.
71. Sayid turns young Ben into his target.
72. Locke meets Richard Alpert and Charles Widmore while traveling in time.
73. The Others capture Walt off of the raft.
74. Three words: Frozen donkey wheel.

75. Another three words: Four-toed statue.
76. Sawyer and Ana-Lucia have a hate-sex rumble in the jungle.
77. Sun clocks Ben with that oar.
78. Penny and Des are reunited (and it feels so good!).
79. The crazy hypno-chamber where Alex's boyfriend was being held.
80. Michael shoots Ana-Lucia and Libby.
81. Taller. Ghost. Walt.
82. "We have to get back!"
83. Locke sacrifices Boone, God's friggin' gift to humanity, to the Island .
84. Sawyer reads the letter he wrote revealing why he's in search of the real Sawyer.
85. The Lostaways design a golf course.
86. Hurley comes to the rescue of Jin, Sayid and Bernard using the repaired Dharmamobile.
87. Sayid interrogates Henry Gale and reveals how he knows Ben's a lying liar who lies.
88. Sawyer kills the real Real Sawyer, who happens to be Locke's dad.
89. Locke knifes Naomi in the back.
90. Juliet tries to arrange for Jack to let Ben die on the operating table.
91. Ben explains about how a box can bring things to the Island , and shows it by summoning Locke's daddy.
92. The show-within-a-show, "Expose," gives Billy Dee Williams a reason to guest-star.
93. Ben is unable to talk his way out of a mercenary shooting his adopted daughter, Alex.
94. Charlie imagines peanut butter for Claire.
95. Hurley and Miles talk time travel theories.
96. Ben kills the entire Dharma Initiative.
97. "We're not going to Guam , are we?" / Ajira Flight 316 crashes.
98. Look out: Craphole Island has an H-bomb!
99. Charlie asks if Mr. Eko is going to beat him with his Jesus stick, and then wants to know what kind of priest he is.
100. "If we can't live together, then we're gonna die alone."
1. The pilot gets eaten by the Smoke Monster (aka Old Smokey, the Monster, Lostzilla).
2. 4 8 15 16 23 42
3. Locke pulls out his creepy knife collection.
4. Jack's dead daddy shows up on the island ... for the first time.

5. Jin gets handcuffed to the plane.
6. "You all ... everybody!" (RIP, Charlie.)
7. Locke becomes Charlie's drug counselor.
8. Locke gets Boone juiced on some kind of weird island plant (so much for just saying no).
9. Danielle captures Sayid.
10. Sawyer shoots a polar bear. And he shoots the marshal.
11. All that mysterious jungle whispering.
12. "There were no survivors of Oceanic 815."

13. The light goes on in the first hatch!
14. Rose and Bernard meet and redefine cute.
15. Kate plans a bank heist ... for a toy airplane.
16. "Tricia Tanaka is dead!"
17. Locke blows up the first hatch.
18. And the submarine!
19. Sawyer's long con gets the better of him.

20. Desmond in the Royal Scots Regiment. Yummy!
21. Same goes for Goth Claire.
22. The Pearl turns out to be Dharma's version of the NSA.
23. Ana-Lucia gets Jack's daddy drunk. Or was it the other way around?
24. We learn that Jack and Claire are half-siblings.
25. "We're the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815."
26. Hurley beats Sawyer at table tennis and makes him abandon nicknames.
27. Mr. Eko doesn't speak for 40 days. (RIP, Mr. Eko.)
28. Then we find out he was a hardcore drug smuggler.
29. Arzt gets blown up by dynamite (and later, when Hurley goes, "You have some ... Arzt ... on you.")
30. Locke plays one crazy game of chess.
31. Desmond turns the sky purple (and there were people running everywhere).
32. Oceanic 815 falls out of the sky and totally ruins book club.
33. The first 20 minutes of the pilot. It had us from "hello."
34. Hurley and the boys get the Dharmamobile up and running again, on the road to Shambala.
35. Locke wakes up and one of his kidneys is gone!
36. Locke's daddy throws him out of a window.
37. Sawyer jumps out of the helicopter.
38. The Island goes bloop! / Ben wakes up with a hell of a hangover in the Sahara Desert .
39. Kate and Sawyer get it on in Otherville, thrilling Skate fans and annoying Jate fans.
40. We meet Roger, Workman.
41. We meet Jacob ... kinda.
42. Desmond drinks Widmore's whiskey when Charlie and Hurley are trying to get him to confess his ability to see into the future.
43. Juliet's ex-husband gets hit by a bus!
44. Kate blows her daddy up.
45. "Mr. Friendly" congratulates Sawyer on his fish biscuit and notes that the bears figured the puzzle out faster.
46. Ben shoots Locke and leaves him for "dead."
47. Ben saves then strangles Locke and leaves him for "dead."
48. Hurley's badass car chase!
49. Charlie's ghost is the supercool version of Charlie.
50. Desmond makes a long, long distance call to Penny.
51. Miles is revealed to be Dr. Chang's son. Yeah, we saw it coming but it was still cool.
52. Charlie lists his five favorite things.
53. Locke flashes Walt his orange-peel smile.

54. Jack learns that the Red Sox really won the World Series.
55. Ben cons Sawyer into thinking that his heart will explode if he gets too excited.
56. Jin, Sawyer and Michael get captured by the "Tailies."
57. Desmond becomes unstuck in time (and uses Penny as his constant).
58. Mr. Eko makes Lostzilla retreat.
59. "We were brought here for a purpose, for a reason, all of us."
60. Paulo and Nikki are buried alive, buried alive, buried alive.
61. "Waaaaaaaaaalt!"
62. Sawyer and Juliet are getting it on in Dharmaville. All right!
63. We meet Hurley's imaginary friend Dave.
64. Take your pick of the Dharma Initiative orientation videos. They were all awesome.
65. Mikhail takes out a grenade and smiles before pulling the pin / "Not Penny's boat."
66. Ethan strings up Charlie and leaves him for dead.
67. "Light 'em up!" / "This is not your island. This is our island and the only reason that you're living on it is because we let you live on it."
68. "Dude, you look like you steamrolled Harry Potter."
69. The birth of ol' Turniphead, Aaron.

70. Ben turns Sayid into his assassin.
71. Sayid turns young Ben into his target.
72. Locke meets Richard Alpert and Charles Widmore while traveling in time.
73. The Others capture Walt off of the raft.
74. Three words: Frozen donkey wheel.

75. Another three words: Four-toed statue.

76. Sawyer and Ana-Lucia have a hate-sex rumble in the jungle.
77. Sun clocks Ben with that oar.
78. Penny and Des are reunited (and it feels so good!).
79. The crazy hypno-chamber where Alex's boyfriend was being held.
80. Michael shoots Ana-Lucia and Libby.
81. Taller. Ghost. Walt.
82. "We have to get back!"
83. Locke sacrifices Boone, God's friggin' gift to humanity, to the Island .
84. Sawyer reads the letter he wrote revealing why he's in search of the real Sawyer.
85. The Lostaways design a golf course.
86. Hurley comes to the rescue of Jin, Sayid and Bernard using the repaired Dharmamobile.
87. Sayid interrogates Henry Gale and reveals how he knows Ben's a lying liar who lies.
88. Sawyer kills the real Real Sawyer, who happens to be Locke's dad.
89. Locke knifes Naomi in the back.
90. Juliet tries to arrange for Jack to let Ben die on the operating table.
91. Ben explains about how a box can bring things to the Island , and shows it by summoning Locke's daddy.
92. The show-within-a-show, "Expose," gives Billy Dee Williams a reason to guest-star.
93. Ben is unable to talk his way out of a mercenary shooting his adopted daughter, Alex.
94. Charlie imagines peanut butter for Claire.
95. Hurley and Miles talk time travel theories.
96. Ben kills the entire Dharma Initiative.
97. "We're not going to Guam , are we?" / Ajira Flight 316 crashes.
98. Look out: Craphole Island has an H-bomb!
99. Charlie asks if Mr. Eko is going to beat him with his Jesus stick, and then wants to know what kind of priest he is.

100. "If we can't live together, then we're gonna die alone."