So here we go! And with 3 hours it's quite lengthy.
Great recap. Love that Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse are the ones filling us in. Or should I say Stripey and Necktie?
The characters are seeking redemption for misdeeds of their past.
So curious about The Dharma Initiative.
Sun and Jin’s romance is so special!
Richard tells Locke “You’re here to remind us that we are here for more important reasons.” What are the important reasons that Richard was referring to?
They look so happy at the prospect of going home when Jack makes that phone call. But we all know it is not meant to be.
Everything Ben has he took from Widmore. Who was the leader of the Others before Ben? Did Widmore move the island like Ben? Widmore says the island is his and always has been. What does that mean?
Desmond and Penny – sigh! Love them!
Episode 1 & 2 of Season 5
Yay we’re starting w/ The Dharma Innitiative – Marvin Candle/Halliwax is referred to as Dr. Chang!!! I love that his beginning is like Des. Get up, start record, see how his life begins. He has a baby. Born on the island? Is it Miles? Of course it’s Miles!!! Holy crap Miles is Marvin Candle’s baby. No wonder he wants to stay. He was born on the island. Whaaa! Dan is there when Miles is a baby (in the tunnel) and looks the same age!
Who knows that Kate isn’t Aaron’s mommy? Who got a court order? Who would be powerful enough to do that? Widmore? Frank? Frank just knows, can’t see him doing anything – what happens to Frank?
Where did the Others go!? We went back in time. So they weren’t with Locke?
LOL Sawyer slaps Dan and threatens Charlotte.
OMG Locke sees the plane crash that’s gonna kill Boone.
OMG Ethan! He shot Locke!
Hurley to Sayid “Maybe if you would eat more comfort food you wouldn’t need to kill people.” LOL
Sayid tells Hurley to do the opposite of what Ben tells him to. So Hurley won’t want to go back to the island ‘cuz Ben tells him too. It’s conflicting like Claire telling Kate not to take Aaron back to the island.
Heroes needs to simplify their time travel like LOST just did. LOL
Richard is dressed differently than when they disappeared. Ahh, now I see why.
LOL Richard needs glasses to pull out the bullet. Love their conversation - What’s this? It’s a compass John. What’s it do? It points North. LOL
Wow my mind is blown. The island is bouncing around in time back and forth. (nice metaphor with the record skipping at the beginning) The Others are the natural inhabitants of the island so they move with the island, thus they don’t age. Everyone else bounces around the time line ‘cuz they weren’t born there. So would Aaron not bounce around? Does that have something to do with why Claire tells Kate not to bring him back? ‘cuz then they will be separated from him? He will move with the island and they won’t? Plus, would he then stay a baby forever? And if so would he become smarter, but just remain baby size, or would his mental capacity not grow? Is this why Charlotte is having problems? She is having nose bleeds like Des was when he was bouncing around in time and needed a constant. Charlotte said she needed to find out where she was born, not when. What does that mean?
What about Miles? Why isn’t he bouncing with the Others since he was born on the island.
When the hatch comes back does that mean Des is in it? Or is it the other guys? What were their names? The guy who becomes a splotch on the ceiling?
Ah it is Des! LOL he’s dressed in the yellow suit.
Des is uniquely and miraculously special?!!!! What does that mean and how does Dan know this? Dan knows much that he is not telling. Sawyer needs to sit on him and make him talk.
Holy crap it’s Ana Lucia!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!! Oh yeah, Libby says hi!
What did Ben take out of the vent?
LOL that Hurley’s dad puts caviar in his sammy!
Alright there was Vincent!!!
Holy crap! I totally jumped and freaked out Dingo Dog when Frogurt (LOL) got hit with the flaming aarow. You just knew he was going to be a red shirt since he was such a dweeb! The Others must be shooting at them! They wouldn’t know who they are.
Side note: Grey’s looks great but I want to frickin punch self-righteous Derek!
Sun says “they” want Aaron. Claire was told that she had to raise Aaron. Are the “they” that are after Aaron now, the “they” that the psychic was talking about?
Sun tells Kate I don’t blame you, then asks “How’s Jack?” She blames Jack, so hmmmmm. I don’t know if I trust her. Esp. after she visited with Widmore. Remember that Ben told Locke something about life getting in the way and changing how you see things after Alex was killed? Well I think the same thing is going on with Sun. She is bent on revenge and will do whatever it takes. I’m thinking of Ben killing Keemy even thou that meant killing everyone on the freighter.
Somewhere along the line Ben and Sayid had a falling out. Did we see that and I don’t remember or do we have yet to see that?
Side Note: A new Nathon Fillian show!!! Castle!!
AAAAAAA – it’s the little old lady! Only 70 Hours or God help us all!
Thought she was Dan’s mom at first. Is Mrs. Hawking his mom? hmmm
Very interesting what she was doing. And Ben went right to her.
God I want MORE!!!!