Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I missed last weeks because I spaced it out. This week I had a dinner, but called the honey to remind him to tape it for me. He remembered…after 15 minutes. So I missed the first 15 minutes, but thankfully, there was a recap, and I have my sources.

So I started the show after the first break. I started with a flash of Lonestar’s Cody Collins (in the red bandana) and Dean Sams.

My first performance is…Coffey!!
His piece about his mom was heartbreaking. Sounds like this was therapy for him.
“It’s Your Love” – Tim & Faith
It had some good moments, but also some shaky for me.
Jeffrey Steele (JS) – hasn’t been sold on him except for his charisma, but this is the best he’s heard so far, despite some pitch issues
John Rich (JR) – agreed with Jeffrey, and wondered why he was pitchy? Realized it was the emotion he was singing with when he had to miss a line ‘cuz he was choked up. Felt this proved he was human, but doesn’t see the Nashville Star yet.
Jewel (J) – Got choked up herself talking about the healing aspect of music. She said he allowed the audience to see an authentic experience, which means the world to the audience that he let us share that. He also followed her directions and sang longer notes.

BRC ad libbed!! He told Coffey “Country Music is about emotion, man.” This was the best I have seen him. lol

Melissa Lawson
Her piece was nice – her husband loves her no matter what her size
I loved the sign in the audience that read “Lawson is Awesome!”
“My Baby Loves Me” - Martina
She is singing the heck outta this song. Lots of attitude. She is having a great time. In an earlier episode JR said she had to be a star not just a singer, and she is on her way. Great performer.
J – Was worried about it but she pulled it off. Thought there were moments when she wanted her to stretch the song out and go up and octave, but she waited until the end to do it, and she really liked it.
JS – Thought it was over the top, and she over sang it. Hopes America doesn’t look her over and not vote for her ‘cuz she is a shoe in. (He said she is always in the bottom bracket, that means they must call the contestants by order of popularity, I don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing.) He said she can really sing,
JR –Thinks she over sang too. He wouldn’t let her sing it like that in the studio. (so what? Not every song that is performed needs to be recorded. What’s wrong with taking the song and jazzing it up for a…oh I don’t know…concert!) He wants her to take all the notes and squeeze it. She said that he told her to come out and kill it, and she thought she did (Jewel pipes in here that she did), and JR said she over killed it.
BRC said all he knows is that it was wild and emotional and he loved it! Nancy O’Dell also thought she killed it.

Laura & Sophie
“Picture to Burn” – Taylor Swift
“Relationships come and go but friends are forever.” This little statement did not help their cause. It was uttered at the end of their piece about where they would get the emotion behind their songs. Failed relationships. See here is the part that’s wrong with them. That is a song that all women can relate to, no matter how old they are, and I feel that way because of Taylor. With L&S I think the opposite, I think it’s cute, ‘cuz they are so young, and what do they know yet? Then we get that last statement, that not only reads very young, but the way she said it was also very young. I cringed. They are not ready.
They finally look older, and are not really dressed alike, though both are wearing gorgeous knee high boots.
There performance is a bit better, but they don’t sound as good on the harmonies, they sound better separate.
JR – hard to comment on what he just saw. He just wants an answer to how they could roll their eyes and disrespect Jewel last week (what! I gotta find that on YouTube)
She didn’t know? Didn’t realize? I don’t think Jewel was buying it either since she said maybe she was having a seizure.
J – They look better. Thinks their harmonies are getting worse, they aren’t improving. I completely agree, they sounded better apart than together tonight.
JR then takes a moment to point out something I had been thinking one minute earlier. That the bottom two were Jeffrey Steele’s acts. Now I have to say that JR actually says a lot of what I am actually thinking this season. That scares me. Also makes me think I should be a bit more assertive with my opinions ‘cuz I’m more right than I think. LOFL
JS – points out that one of the final two use to be JR’s (Shawn), she did one thing right in firing JR. He didn’t think it was great, but that they looked grown up.

Shawn Mayer
"Before He Cheats" - Carrie Underwood
BRC goes off prompter as he intros her to say that she told him it doesn’t matter what happens now ‘cuz George Jones is in the house.
She can sing, but I didn’t like the performance. It’s like bad karaoke for me. I love her black black hair. Gosh it’s gorgeous; sign her up for a commercial.
J - Sang great, looked great, and kinda looked like Priscilla Presley. She seemed comfortable, which is what this show has been about for her.
JR – This is the performance he always wanted. I guess we don’t always think alike ‘cuz I wasn’t much of a fan of this performance. lol
JS – Took her tears and put them into her performance. She killed it.

Going home is…Laura & Sophie. Why does BRC have to read the teleprompter to say they were great.

JS – they have a raw talent that maybe in a few years they can find something, if they can keep their friendship in tact. Told them that was the most important thing. I can’t see them becoming a duo now. I think they don’t sound great together anymore ‘cuz the friendship has fizzled.

The Recap allowed me to see a snippet of the two contestants I missed. I think they will both be safe next week.

Ashlee Hewitt sounded good – she sang the Dixie Chicks “Cowboy Take Me Away”

Gabe Garcia sang Billy Currington’s “Must Be Doing Something Right.” I like him better each week.

Next week they perform original songs. Yes!

Give me your feedback!!! Thanks!